Saturday 22 September 2012

Html Attributes

9:57 pm

Html attributes 

Html attributes 

1.       Html elements can have attributes.
2.       Attributes provide additional information about the element.
3.       Attributes always specify in the start tag.
4.       Attributes comes in name/value pairs like.
Name = “value”
Html comments starts with   <--  and ends with -->
5.       Html headings are defined with the <h1> to <h6> tags.
6.       Html paragraphs are defined with <p> tag.
7.       Html links are defined with <a> tag.
<title> --::INDIA::--</title>
<meta http-equiv = “refresh” content=”6sec; url=one.php”>
<body style =”background-color:cyan”>
<h1 style = “text-align:center; color:red;background-color:yellow”>India</h1>
<h2 align=”center”>INDIA</h2>
<p style =”font-family:verdana ; font-size:18px; text-height:2; text-align:justify”>

Text formatting tags :

<b>  : bold text
<big>  : big text
<em>  : emphasized text
<i>  : italic
<small>  : small text
<strong> :  strong text
<sub>  : subscripted text
<sup>  : superscripted text
<ins >  : inserted text
<del> : deleted text
Eg:       <html>
              <i> india</i>
              <ins> india</ins>
            <del> india</del>
           <h1> H<sub>2</sub>o</h1>

Computer output tags :

<code>   :  computer code text
<kbd>    : keyboard text
<samp>  : sample computer code
<tt>   : teletype text
<var>  : a variable
<pre>   preformatted text.


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