Sunday, 9 September 2012

Download and Install XAMPP for windows

8:25 pm

Download and Install XAMPP for windows 

Download and Install XAMPP for windows  :

1.       Download  “XAMPP for windows “ from Internet (google it (or) )
2.       Install it . xampp gets install to c:\xampp folder by default.
3.       Xampp installs the following products in our system.
(a)    Php
(b)   Apache web server
(c)    My sql database server
(d)   Mercury – a mail server
(e)   File zilla  - an FTP client
(f)     Php my admin  - a tool developed in php language for remote database administration etc.

Apache web server will be running with the default port of 80.
The default server directory of xampp is c:\xampp\htdocs; that means all the server side programs has to be placed in that directory.

Start apache web server :

1.       Open xampp control panel.
2.       Click on “start” button of “apache” in xampp control panel.
3.       Test cases is to be done in case apache webserver is not started.

(a)    Open browser and provide the URL as http://localhost  ; and if any web servers are running  - stop that.
(b)   Stop oracle http server.
(c)    Disable  “skype”  in your system.
(d)   Download and install “vcredist-x86” etc .
4.       Open browser and provide the url as http://localhost .
Echo “<h1> response from india.php in apache web server </h1>”
Save it as “ india.php “  in c:\xampp\htdocs folder.
Start apache web server using xampp control panel.
Client invokes the above web resource by using the following url in the browser.

Download and Install XAMPP for windows.



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